About Us
Who are we?
Fair Vote Canada is a national grassroots organization of ordinary citizens that lobbies parties and governments of all levels – federal, provincial and municipal – to implement voting systems that ensure proportional representation.
The National Capital Region chapter of Fair Vote Canada concentrates its efforts in Ottawa, Gatineau and surrounding counties, meeting with local MPs, MPPs, MNAs and Councilors, organizing education and information sessions and bringing people of all parties and backgrounds together to push for modern, progressive change.
How to navigate this site
Our new website is designed to be the central hub of our activities and efforts, the starting point for new supporters and the principal continuing resource for existing volunteers.
The What’s New section shares the latest local and national news on the progress of electoral reform.
The Events page lists upcoming events organized by the chapter, those we are participating in, and others locally that are of interest to supporters.
Resources is where you can learn more about electoral systems around the world, the ongoing efforts of Fair Vote Canada and its publications over the years, chapter documents, useful communications tools and talking points, and all sorts of videos and shared material from around the world.
Get Involved! Can you help us spread the word? Click here to learn about becoming a donor or member of Fair Vote Canada, sign the Declaration of Voters’ Rights, join our mailing list, and let us know your particular interests and skills that you can contribute to the campaign.
And don’t forget to Contact Us to meet the chapter Executive Committee members and send your comments, suggestions and requests.
Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to connecting with you!